
  • GOT news for ya, WE wont be donating to the GOP whatsoever, SAN TRAITORS. No different than democrats!

  •  We need a list of all of the scum that voted against Trump, so we can tell them where to go.


  • I will donate only to Republicans who have stands with President Trump and us. A new Republican is coming so McConnell,Romney and all you fake coward Republicans your days are number starting from Congress all the way to city councilman 

    • I am with you 100%

  • Be real folks! Why bother to vote in a Communist Country?

    • Yeah, since they are still using those machines the communists will rig them to get the RINO's re-elected.

    • One sure way to guarantee the loss of our Constitutional Republic is to not vote.  If you don't vote, you lose your right to complain.


    • Vote in a rigged election and give the crooks legitimacy with a high voter turnout like they have in North Korea? Is that your best idea?

  • I refuse to donate to anyone at the Republican Party and only to an individual who is on Trump's side.  Someone like Senator Rand Paul and the others who refused to push for impeachment. They did this by being cowards and bending with the wind instead of standing up for principles.  They stay in power too long and only want to enrich themselves.  

    • me too and when you do contribute, go directly to the candidates web site, contribute there, be wary if anything say nrcc donate somewhere else, nrcc national republicns congressional committee distributes funds   WHERE   they think the funds are needed

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