
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe squared off with former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday, during Rosenstein’s anticipated testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee blaming one another for lying about what they were aware of during the bureau’s debunked investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.

During Rosenstein’s testimony, McCabe issued a statement saying the former DAG was giving “false” testimony about his recollection regarding former FBI Director James Comey’s memos about his interactions with President Donald Trump.

Interestingly, both men accuse each other of lying, pointing the finger at one another, in one of the biggest hoaxes in modern political history. They lied to each other, all the while creating a hoax to fool the American people and the world. McCabe and Rosenstein, along with their colleagues in the bureau, DOJ and the intelligence community know that eventually they will get caught up in the lies and explanations. This is when the finger-pointing will start.

Now the investigators are being investigated. Former FBI Director Comey, FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, FBI Special Agent Kevin Clinesmith, as well as a slew of other FBI agents, lawyers and intelligence officials are going to have to find a way to explain their malfeasance as Connecticut prosecutor John Durham continues to put the pieces together and connect the dots.

During the hearing, Rosenstein said during his testimony that McCabe did not share details about Comey’s memos or his conversations with Trump prior to opening the special counsel investigation. Rosenstein claimed that he didn’t know about the memos until they were leaked by Comey’s friend Columbia Law School Professor Daniel Richman to the media. Comey admitted to Congress during testimony in June 2017 that he purposefully leaked several memos to Richman in an effort to ensure a special counsel investigation.

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  • Evil men will wax worse especially as the end draws near... deceiving and being deceived. This scripture is being fulfilled before our eyes.  The wicked have no place to hide... running to and fro knowing the time of judgment is just around the corner... they seek to hide their crimes only to find others are as eager to reveal them.

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