
  • There's no where sleepy joe can campaign; he's losing in every state!     Yahoo...T R U M P  2 0 2 0  We love you America & President Trump!

  • The Polls are rigged... the demographics and the means used, and times these polls are conducted were all set up to favor Biden... The MSM can not be trusted to provide any standard of fairness or honor in their polling and reporting.  We will need to deal with the MSM and that particular problem in Trump's second term.. The National Airways belong to the people, not to some MSM Corporate conglomerate... They must be fair and balanced or their licenses revoked.

    • What America needs, also, is people like these on this website. I consider us to be real Americans and lovers of this country. God bless America!

    • This will be a very important piece of the puzzle. The people via the federal government need to control the airwaves, not corporate conglomerates. Of course, this needs to be done by legal means, too, which is why it's very important to get Barrett on the Supreme Court asap. She has good morals, is patriotitic, follows the US Constitution, and has favored corporations in her decisions. It looks to me like all pieces of the puzzle are coming together now. Trump 2020!

    • The media needs to lose its' licenses to the airwaves, as they are purposefully instigating insurrection and anarchy. 

  • Well duh. Why we must get everyone registered  and out to vote... friends, family etc. to overcome all the fraud that will/is happening 

  • Everybody knows that the polls are fake. The majority of Americans supports Trump. I certainly don't know anyone who isn't totall behind Trump no matter what.

  • If they want to live in a socialist government then they should pack their bags and move to a socialist country,get out of my country where many man and women died for our FREEDOM 

  • Don't trust anything the MSM tell's you. Kamala lied through her teeth last night. Democratic party is just flat out lying to win this election. They do intend to ban fracking and bring in the green new deal. They are set on taking our guns. They even said as much however not much now. They want to introduce socialism in this country. They won't tell us now because they want the win. After that. The makeup comes off and say hello to her highness Kamala don't let them pull the wool over our eyes. People need to know the truth.

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