
  • The simple truth is that the 2020 election will for ever more be a question mark in American History, But we have to move on from it and ensure there are NO MORE QUESTION ABOUT THE OUTCOME GOING FORWARD, We have to move on and ensure that Election Integrity is a top priority in the future We can question the outcome of the 2020 election but the fact remains its history good or bad its history, There is little doubt that the .wrong person is sitting in the WHITE HOUSE and he has done tremendous damage to our nation. Our objective going forward should be to ensure that the person sitting in the OVAL OFFICE is removed and his destructive policies are overturned. Was the 2020 election corrupted? We will never know because the POWERS THAT BE didnt want to find out the outcome suited them they got to remain in power and control, We should learn from the past and make sure all question marks are removed.

  • It is high time that President Trump cleans up the mess with the fake news when he is back in the White House. He needs to make it a priority that the federal government under his leadership ensures only the truth gets published. No more lying to the public and brainwashing Americans. 

  • Let's face it the vile corrupt bast**** cannot stand to hear the truth

    • No, the "VCBs" cannot stand to hear the truth, BUT they don't want anyone else to hear it either!

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