
  • The Russian should get lessons from the Democratic Party on how to steal an election 

  • Just count all registered voters and how many ballots were counted from each state removed the different and they will lose the presidency members of the senate and they will even lose the House all this is what they are trying to win without the people votes 

  • Giuliani will present all the evidence and eyewitnesses to the courts who will rule in favor of Trump. The election and voting fraud won't stand. We the people will win these cases and we the people will be heard. President Trump is making sure of that.


  • NOT prosecuting the Bidens and ALL the FISA-corruption Democrats is the WORST fallout from Trump losing this race... IF HE DOES!!!!


  • We, the patriots who know how to think for themselves, are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the fraud we are seeing is the result of 4 years of planning after they miscalculated Hillary's chances.  It has been one attack after the next with millions of taxpayers money spent on the Mueller investigation that turned up NOTHING, the continued harassment of the President while the Democrats turn a blind eye on Biden's criminal activity and selling out our country! 

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