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On Thursday night, police officers from across the country started messaging our team at Law Enforcement Today warning that reports were circulating among law enforcement about a new threat to law enforcement.

According to the rumors, Friday, June 12 is “scheduled” to be “National Kill a Cop” day.

Let’s start with this: across America, officers are on high alert.  We’ve seen a number of growing threats – and we’ve seen just as many that are legitimate as we’ve seen threats that are unconfirmed.

More on the confirmed threats in a moment.

But first – Law Enforcement Today reached out to sources at the federal level and we were not able to confirm this threat as it’s been spreading.

With that said, based on intelligence reports that law enforcement officials have received, a situation report from the FBI was issued to police departments in south Florida regarding officer safety.

Apparently there is an “event” scheduled for Friday, June 12 being called “FUCK12” and ACAB, or “All Cops Are Bastards.”  

The event has been deemed a possibility of extreme violence by the FBI.

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