
RUSH: Folks, this is not about the Confederacy. It’s not about slavery. It’s not about being offended by statues. That’s not what’s happening here. What’s happening is that a bunch of Marxists under the guise of Black Lives Matter and Social Justice and whatever other groups are out there are literally trying to tear this country down, not insult it, tear it down, tear it apart, rip it apart.

Have you heard the latest? They want to take down the Teddy Roosevelt statue at the Museum of Natural History on Central Park West in New York. He built this museum. He stocked its first exhibits. The guy traveled the world. I don’t know when Teddy Roosevelt ever slept, to tell you the truth. Talk about somebody that did so much with the life he was given. Holy smokes.

And the statue is of Teddy Roosevelt on a horse and standing next to him on the horse an African-American and an Injun. And it is, “Those two figures are being depicted in dependence and in slavery and secondary status. It’s gotta come down.” Teddy Roosevelt was one of the greatest defining figures in this country’s history. The fact that they want to tear it down has nothing to do with there’s a racist intent of the statue, the fact there’s an Indian there and an African-American kneeling beside Teddy Roosevelt. Nothing to do with that. Nothing to do with the Confederacy, do nothing to do with slavery.

They hate this country. And they are in the process of tearing it down. And the statues and the artwork and whatever else is simply a way of doing that. And so the question that we have is what are we gonna do? We gonna stand by and watch it, unwilling to do anything about it? Are we gonna stand up and stop it? We gonna stand up and oppose it?

You know, this same thing happened in Venezuela. Don’t get mad. Don’t get mad. But it did. There are people who were alive in Venezuela, still are, when Hugo Chavez did this exact same thing. This is what communists do. They get rid of any symbol linking the country they want to destroy to every aspect of its past, on the premise that the nation’s past is deeply flawed and irredeemable.

And there’s one Venezuelan who was a teenager at the time this was happening with Hugo Chavez, “I didn’t care. I didn’t care. A bunch of statues, a bunch of old guys I never heard of. I didn’t care.” Now he’s saying I should have cared because now look, the whole country has just been decimated. It’s been ruined. It was a petroleum superpower at one point in time and now it’s just an ash heap, by design, that somebody still wants to run and be dictator over.

Try to bring it back to some semblance where there’s creation of wealth that the dictator can steal and appropriate for himself. But that’s exactly the kind of thing that is happening here. And if you think that we can just be patient, sit by, they’ll get it out of their system, you’re sadly mistaken. They’re not gonna get it out of their system. These people are gonna have to be stopped. They are going to have to be defeated.

Now, there are certain things about these so-called revolutions, they do end up eating their own in time. But they are not going to get tired. They’re not going to wear out.

RUSH: Folks, do not doubt me on this. Trump is getting better and better on the statue topplers and defacers. He’s really comfortably getting into the role now of being the voice of sanity in all this. Now, except for… I can’t think of any other Republicans that are willing to join him on this. This is one of the frustrating things. Maybe Tom Cotton. Maybe Josh Hawley.


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  • Thank God for him.  If it were Hillary I can only imagine where we would be now.  God forbid

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