RUSH: We just have a new sound bite here from Nancy Pelosi, CNN’s Newsroom. She was talking with the correspondent Manu Raju. Manu Raju reported about Pelosi’s California call with the House Democrat caucus about possible new articles of impeachment against the Trumpster.
RAJU: She’s making very clear that there’s more support for moving forward with impeachment among the House Democratic caucus now than there was the first time Donald Trump was impeached back in 2019. She said that she prefers the president resigning, or Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to force the president out of office. But she’s making it very clear: They’re prepared to move forward with impeachment.
RUSH: Well, they better hurry if that’s the objective, if they want to get rid of Trump via impeachment, ’cause today is the 8th. In 12 days, Plugs Biden gets inaugurated. So they gotta do this in 11 days. So they’ve gotta call the House together, then they got to get the Senate to go ahead and convict for this. And then they want a proviso that Trump cannot seek the presidency ever again.
And they think that doing this is gonna pressure the cabinet and Pence into invoking Amendment 25. But Pence has said that he’s not gonna do this. “There’s more desire to impeach Trump now than there was in 2019.” I totally believe that. That was trumped up like you couldn’t believe in 2019. 300w, 480w" alt="" width="640" height="360" />A bunch of people were just going along with it. But this, the hatred is visceral. You can touch it. You can see it. You can see it steaming from the electrodes on these Democrats’ heads. I’ve never seen personal animosity like this. I mean, it is almost to the point of uncontrollable and unpackageable.
RUSH: Hi, folks. I got a report on the top-of-the-hour news from one of our EIB affiliates, and it was a report on how Nancy Pelosi has the military on standby in case Trump launches the nuke code. Folks, I’m telling you, the entire swamp, they are scared out of their gourd. They do not know what to expect next.
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Trump needs to assume total authority over the country really fast to preserve our freedom and liberties. He made America great again and we the people want more of this "great again".