22 Trump 2020 Memes - Rickio MeMes in 2020 (With images) | Memes ...

Now, I realize something. I realize a lot of you are just pulling your hair out. You’re at wits’ end. Everything that you can. You voted for Trump, you knew exactly what he wanted to do, you wanted him to succeed. You had no idea the opposition to Trump would be this bad.

You had no idea these people would never give up — you had no idea — and so now you’re saying, “Why even bother voting Republican? Our streets are burning to hell. Democrat cities and states are being taken over by the mob, and we’re now living under mob rule in many places. People who own private property are losing it. They’re having it stolen.

“It’s being looted, you name it. Nobody’s stopping them. Nobody’s pushing back on any of this.” So you’re saying, “Why vote Republican, and why worry about Supreme Court justice nominations when they just end up betraying us?” Here’s the answer: “Because even now, there is no reasonable alternative. There isn’t anybody else to vote for.

“You certainly can’t vote for the Democrats.” Trump has to have another term. He has to have another term to keep whacking away at all of this. Find the next Justice Thomas, find the next Samuel Alito, find the next whatever. We don’t any more Sotomayors or Kagans or Ruth “Buzzi” Ginsburgs. But you can’t quit, can’t surrender. You reelect Trump, and you keep at it.

It’s like, in a way, let’s say you’re a general manager for an NFL team. If I could, I would pick a team off top head. Let’s say that you keep blowing it in the draft, that you haven’t had a first-round pick make the roster in five years. You’re just blowing every first-round draft pick. Every first-round draft choice the NFL ought to make the team.

There are that many good players in the first round. Every first-round pick ought to make team but you work for a team that’s picking loser in the first round. You don’t stop drafting, do you? You keep team building despite past mistakes. You keep trying. You keep drafting players.

You hope to get it right down the road. You may change general managers. You may change the people drafting. We’re engaged in a battle for the kind of country that we’re going to have. And I actually believe that this cultural revolution that we find of ourselves in the middle of is gonna start eating itself, which they all do at some point.


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  • He is right.  Trump has to win and even though we may not like all Republicans look at the Dem/Marxist mayors and governors. 

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