Russia Threatens to Put the U.S. “in Its Place”
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From the story: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said the U.S. may need to be ‘put in its place’ for sharing ‘disgusting Russiaphobia’ in the latest the latest Kremlin attack on the West after President Biden called Vladimir Putin a war criminal. Medvedev, who now serves as deputy secretary of Russia’s National Security Council joins the list of Putin cronies and state TV anchors who have ramped up their rhetoric since the invasion – including threats of nuclear strikes and calls to ‘take back’ former Russian colonies Alaska and Fort Ross in California (Daily Mail). Meanwhile, an American was killed in the Russian attack on citizens standing in a food line (Axios). War updates (CNN, NBC News).

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  • They hate when the world and even their own people call them what they are.


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