Sally Yates: Comey went 'rogue' with Flynn interview

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Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that when the FBI interviewed then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn in January 2017, it was done without her authorization, and that she was upset when she found out about it.

Committee chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked Yates about the circumstances surrounding the interview, particularly the actions of then-FBI Director James Comey.

"I was upset that Director Comey didn't coordinate that with us and acted unilaterally," Yates said.

"Did Comey go rogue?" Graham asked.

"You could use that term, yes," Yates agreed.

Yates said she also took issue with Comey for not telling her that Flynn's communications with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were being investigated and that she first learned about this from President Barack Obama during an Oval Office meeting. Yates said she was "irritated" with Comey for not telling her about this earlier.

That meeting, which took place on Jan. 5, 2017, was of great interest to Graham, who wanted to know why Obama knew about Flynn's conversations before she did. Graham and other Republicans have speculated that Obama wanted Flynn investigated for nefarious purposes. Yates claimed that this was not the case, and explained why Obama was aware of the calls at the time.

Yates said that after Obama placed sanctions on Russia, the Kremlin vowed to take retaliatory action, only to suddenly change course. She said Obama wanted to find out why, which led to the Justice Department discovering Flynn's talks with Kislyak.

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  • Anyone else notice that even anthony dr. death fauci's daughter has a great paying job with twitter? Anyone connected with the elite left, their spawn get smoking hot high paying jobs. fauci still contends that we are all suppose to wear masks, except for rioters, insurrectionalists.

  • I have a dream that one day former F.B.I. Director James Brian Comey will be sharing a cell in a Federal Bureau of Prison faciilty such as Atlanta and sharing a cramped cell with Bubba and having very intimate evenings. That is really all I want for Christmas!!

    • Love your idea!

  • I watched this in real time and Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates threw everybody under the bus. It was so funny I almost burned my nose with hot coffee. The first thing I could think about was a really nasty meme that had President Donald John Trump and Attorney General William Pelham Barr and the caption read "Remember I want good American and not cheap stuff from China." All the good gossip I have been getting is comming true!!

  • They're all guilty as hell. Hang 'em all...

    • Yes a thousand times yes!

    • Remember I want good American and not cheap stuff from China.

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