
Gyms within government buildings in San Francisco have been open for months, despite privately owned establishments being ordered to close due to the coronavirus.


“It’s shocking, it’s infuriating,” Daniele Rabkin, of Crossfit Golden Gate, told a local NBC station. “Even though they’re getting exposed, there are no repercussions, no ramifications? It’s shocking.”

The gyms that have been open for government employees include those for police officers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, and paralegals, according to the report. One such gym, the Hall of Justice gym, has been open since July 1.

“It just demonstrates that there seems to be some kind of a double standard between what city employees are allowed to do and what the residents of San Francisco are allowed to do,” Dave Karraker, owner of MX3 Fitness in the Castro, said.

“What the city has unwillingly done is created this great case study that says that working out indoors is actually safe,” said Karraker. “So, at this point, we’re just demanding that they allow us to have the same workout privileges for the citizens of San Francisco that the employees of San Francisco have.”

The report comes after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was recorded in a San Francisco salon without a face mask, despite local orders mandating that such establishments be closed.

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  • I guess the next logical question would be, what the H311 are you going to do about it? You know that you are not going to get any freebies, there is no money! So, instead of being leftist parasites, why don't you start voting for normal, rational, responsible politicians. You have an opportunity to direct America back to sanity in less than 2 months.

    Trump 2Q2Q+, Making America GOD's Again!

    • In order to "start voting for normal, rational, responsible politicians" one has to have them as options on the ballots of America... the fact is that the public is being denied such candidates in order to keep the status quo in power.  Both political parties work to keep the status quo.. 98% of all incumbents are reelected... most of them should not have survived their parties primaries but due to political corruption in the Parties... only, their handpicked corrupt politicians are nominated and supported for election.. resulting in the general election ballots being loaded with failed and corrupt politicians... looking to return to DC.

      Our electoral process and ballots have been hijacked by the corrupt political parties... our citizens are being forced to choose between the lesser of EVILS at election time... that is not choice that is coerced government and flys directly in the face of consent to be governed... we are no longer a government of the people, for the people and by the people.  Both political parties have gerrymandered and rigged the system to keep their cronies in power.  The people are being coerced to vote for the lesser of evils... and that is not a choice nor evidence of consent to government.

  • This is what a Socialist government is all about 

  • There have been two legal systems in the US for decades... the creation of a corrupt Judiciary and Legal Profession... one for the privileged and wealthy and another for the rest of America.

    • ....another dig at President Trump? When will you stop? Why do you keep doing that?

    • What the 'H' are you talking about... you sound just like  Heinrich Himmler.  It is a very dangerous thing to BLINDLY put one's faith in man and his institutions of government, they have a way of going wrong.  And it begins with turning a blind eye to known faults and weaknesses... the faults can rapidly turn into serious betrayal and corruption.  Trust and verify... support but watch what is actually being done... and there is a major problem with this Administration's pursuit of political corruption and criminal conduct.

      I am no robot or Pres. Trump sycophant, I don't agree with his failure to enforce our laws... He has in effect permitted a two-tier justice system to operate with impunity. Obviously, you are willing to tolerate a two-tiered judicial system.  A system that permits the privileged swamp to operate, outside the law with impunity; while, it jails men like LTG Flynn for his political affiliation... You would definitely be one of Hitler's favorites.

      You obviously see no problem with Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done in a private solon while others are arrested and fined for doing the same thing... You see nothing wrong with a President who is to "take care" that the laws be faithfully executed in allowing wholesale violence, political corruption, and wanton criminal conduct pass as lawful when practiced by the privileged. 

      There can be NO EXCUSE for ignoring this HUGE problem... especially when the Constitution clearly charges the President with faithfully executing the law.  I don't care how many AG's, Directors of the FBI the President needed to fire ... or how many US Attorneys he canned... he needs to enforce the laws and that starts with hiring and supporting good law enforcement managers... hasn't happened. ... unless you think AG Sessions and Barr good AG's... Both men have failed to indict a single major political figure... including Hillary Clinton, the Grand Duchess of political crime.  Our nation remains in serious trouble, it has a legal system that is incapable of prosecuting politicians and their agents for criminal conduct.  This must stop and stop now...not latter.  Latter somehow never seems to come around... and Pres Trump seems willing to let that continue to happen. 

    • What am I talking about? I'm talking about your previous post, "There have been two legal systems in the US for for the privileged and wealthy and another for the rest of America." It is obviously a swipe against Trump who is very wealthy. Maybe you want to be a little more careful when you rant about something. I definitely do not appreciate you throwing Trump under the bus like that. 

      But as I said before, even if you say other things like "and Pres Trump seems willing to let that continue to happen" you will still vote for Trump and support him. I admire your commitment and I am glad that we have that in common. The only difference between you and me is that I'm very happy with what Trump, Barr, etc are doing. I don't second guess them like you do, I do not assume I know better than they do. 


    • Take your phony outrage somewhere else... Heinrich.  the dual legal system has been around decades ... is what I said.  It continues to thumb its nose at the common man.  How long has Trump been President? The Bus left the depot long before President Trump's tenure in office. He isn't the author of bad law enforcement, albeit, he certainly has not corrected it either... There still exist two standards for law enforcement one for the haves and one for the have nots.  Just maybe America isn't so great yet?

       It is past time for the President to stand up one or two of the plutocracy before a Grand Jury for indictment...  until he does he gets an 'F' for failing to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.   America's legal system will be Great Again once all of its citizens are accountable under the laws of the United States.  Until then the Bus on this matter has left the depot and Trump needs to catch up with it. 

      Your misguided, ill-placed outrage and delusional fawning... over a President who has failed to FAITHFULLY enforce the laws of the United States is duly noted.

    • P/S the fact that Nancy Pelosi can ignore the pandemic lockdown only demonstrates just how bad our dual system of law enforcement has become... she openly eats in restaurants that should be closed, goes to beauty salons that are under the lockdown, and does it with impunity... All while, the local Christians are being cited and fined for holding Church services... sounds like the President has a real handle on law enforcement... and don't tell me its a local issue.  Using one's office to deny the civil rights (1st Amendment included) of one's citizens is a federal crime... where are the prosecutions?

    • Interesting discussion Colonel, no? I'd say that Pelosies' hypocracy is grounded in the Alinsky "ethics" of not following rules insisted for others (because as a self-justified activist, her ends justify her means). So not having the platform of top down federal executive authority to abusively dictate to each state (Trump hesitates when and where appropriate), she and the Globalists in general are using the Constitutional bullwark of states rights to impose dictate on the People through state and local government, to gain a consensus of tyranny (that means a lot of spent Soros election money).  

      Pelosi needs to hang by her scrawny chicken neck. IMHO

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