An illegal alien gang member was repeatedly freed by the sanctuary city of New York City, despite being wanted for murder.

Jose Magdaleno Lopez-Calderon, a 26-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, has finally been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents after first being freed into the United States interior, and then repeatedly being freed by the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

Lopez-Calderon, an 18th Street Gang member wanted for murder in El Salvador, first crossed the southern border illegally in September 2013.

After being briefly detained, an immigration judge granted Lopez-Calderon bail and he was released from custody into the U.S.

Years later, after settling in Queens, New York City, Lopez-Calderon was arrested by the NYPD in May 2017 for drunk driving and driving without a license. Lopez-Calderon was convicted on both charges in December 2019.

About a year later, Lopez-Calderon was arrested again by the NYPD after being released from custody, this time for fare evasion. The illegal alien was again released before ICE officials could even lodge a detainer against him, requesting he be turned over to them for arrest and deportation.

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  • It is past time that Barr told state AG's to follow the law or lose their electoral and popular vote. The Constitution requires every state provide a Republican form of government where majorities and minorities are represented. Submitting citizens and diluting their legal vote by aiding illegal voting by foreign invaders, should have been stopped when it first began. That was the first stage of the anarchy that we are now seeing. 

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