Saudis Claim Biden Asked for Delay in Oil Output Reduction Until After Midterms
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Quid Pro Quo? CNBC: The Biden administration asked Saudi Arabia, the de-facto leader of oil producer group OPEC, to delay its decision on oil output by a month, the kingdom said in a statement. The Saudis declined, and in early October OPEC+ — which includes non-OPEC oil exporters like Russia — announced its largest supply cut since 2020, to the tune of 2 million barrels per day starting from November. Notably, the White House’s request would have delayed the decision until after the U.S. midterm elections (CNBC). Daily Wire: If Saudi Arabia’s claim that President Joe Biden sought to delay oil production cuts to boost Democrats’ chances in the upcoming midterms is true, his new pledge to punish the Kingdom sounds like the kind of quid pro quo that got former President Trump impeached (Daily Wire). Ben Shapiro: This looks an awful lot like the president of the United States threatening to remove weaponry from a purported ally unless that ally performs actions that help that president politically in advance of an election. Wasn’t Trump impeached for that (Twitter)?

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  • Ben Shapiro: "This looks an awful lot like the president of the United States threatening to remove weaponry from a purported ally unless that ally performs actions that help that president politically in advance of an election. Wasn’t Trump impeached for that (Twitter)?"

    Nothing will happen to the halfwit, he is untouchable!

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