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  • It is up to the American people like us , and not wait for the liberal government to step in.But the only thing we do is talk and no action

  • Is it time to abolish yet?

  • It is time that the people damand that the FBI look into Pelosi.  She seems to be the epitome of a traitor to me. But of course, the higher ups in the FBI are also so hoping for an investigation is ludicrous.

  • This woman needs to be removed from office immediately!  My question is why is she still sitting in any government seat ? 

    • That's easy - there are no patriots in San Francisco - only traitors.  You know the old saying "bids of a feather, flock together."


  • That is not "Governing", it's "Ruling".

  • Why has this woman not been arrested?????  Law means nothing to her. 

    She not only is the most evil person every, and she certainly is not a Catholic.  She should be arrested for claiming to be, this is a very false behavior for many people, but especially for Roman Catholics.

  • Pelosi should be STOPPED. NOW!!!

  • Nancy Pelosi: One great reason to vote.

    If your elections are dirty, clean them up!

    Bottomless cans don't hold the take out.

  • She deserves to be thrown out of Congress on her head.  She is a dictator, she is officious, obnoxious, nefarious, and just a criminal.  Throw her out.

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