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  • Honestly, one doesn't negotiate with Marxists like Pelosi and Schummer... they never yield and any agreements made will always be broken.  You deal with dangerous fools using the force of law applied with swift and devastating effect... you give them and their agents no quarter.  Take a page from Lincolns Presidency on how to use martial law and Presidential Arrest Warrants... indictments and trials by military tribunals... for those who would sell out America and its people.

    The left must get the message quickly that their days are OVER... and that civil war will not be tolerated, we will focus on the MSM, the Deep State and Swamp's leadership in government, and select public institutions such as the legal profession, and our educational institutions...

    The insurrection will end and those who sought to undermine our government jailed or hung for treason...  It is time for the President to declare a national emergency and that a state of civil insurrection exists in the public and government.  He must outline his intent and purpose for Martial Law... consolidate his support in the Military and remove those who fail to understand the seriousness of our national predicament... we are at war even though many in our leadership refuses to acknowledge it... they know it and are in on it.

  • VOTE EM OUT.  

    There is NO negotiating w/them give them an inch they want 30 and so on.  

    There is never enough 

  • Get rid of the demonrats and America will really be great again!

  • There is no negotiating with these Democrats. Not because it is impossible to find workable middle ground; Reagan did it, so did Clinton. You could even argue that Bush 41 and 43 also did it, though they did so by giving away far more than they got. But these Democrats are ideologically hidebound. It's "my way or the highway' for them, for many reasons. They have no idea how to develop rational policy, they are chained to appeasing their radical base, and they have no love for our country. 

    • No, you can't negotiate with a communist....Everybody knows that the Democratic Party, and some Republicans have embraced the communist agenda for the U.S.  There is only one way to "negotiate" with the communist........period!!!

    • You mean moving targets.

    • Yes, and any who choose to stand still!!

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