
  • Pres. Ronald Reagan did not let the Communist Nicaraguans migrate by busloads to the US... He ARMED them and aided them in resisting the communists in their own country. 

    There is a significant difference between the Venezuelan illegal aliens and those who came to the US on Reagan's watch... Those coming to the USA today are being SENT here by Communists agents to infiltrate and overload our socials services.... too, be a ready-made 5th Column, ready to mobilize once the money to support them runs out and they are starving and living on the streets of America with no future... Because they are unable to find work.

    The current alien invaders are not qualified to live and work in the US... most can't speak English and have no marketable skills.  Many have been turned loose from Prisons and mental institutions in their own countries with a mandate to enter the US and never return.  They are the unwashed, unwanted of the third world, not the European stock that built Amereica... not the educated and skilled oppressed of the European feudal system.

    Many of The illegal aliens invading the US are not coming here of their own volition... they are being funded and SENT here by their governments... They are in a 5th column.  They didn't wake up one morning and suddenly decide to migrate over 3,000 miles to the US on their own... Wake up they are being SENT... Some have been forced to leave their ancestrial homes... given ultimatums.

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