
  • The honest truth is that WE THE PEOPLE have no idea what is going on in our Government behind our backs, What is even more serious is the lack of concern by those we elected to represent us those that should be aware and probably are but havent the backbone to expose it and put a stop to it. We must wake up.This upcoming election in November is our last chance to rid our government of those that have been in Washington for years and have long ago forgotten that they represent us and its time to send them home its not just Democrats its both political parties. We have a voice and we must make sure its heard LOUDLY in NOVEMBER. We dont need lifetime politicians that have long ago ignored their responsibilities and have used their positions to enrich themselves, Its time to send them home, Its up to us to make the changes needed in Washington pOLITICIANS arent going to change, WHY SHOULD THEY WE KEEP REELECTING THEM

    If we want change we THE PEOPLE MUST BECOME THE CHANGE AGENT, Washington is not going to clean itself up.


  • How does the bank know who is a Trump supporter?

    • Contributions is likely how they do it.

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