Chuck Schumer Meme Gallery - Politically Incorrect Humor

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday evening at the Democratic National Convention that voters should elect fellow Democrat Joe Biden as president and a Democratic-led Congress to provide citizenship to the millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States.

"We will reform our immigration system so that immigrants yearning to breath fee will at last become American citizens," Schumer said in a video speech with the Statue of Liberty behind him. "Together, we can reignite the hope once felt by millions of men and women, huddled masses on creaking ships who glimpse this mighty woman with her torch knowing they could build a better life here in America."

He also vowed that Democrats in Congress and in the White House would "rebuild our infrastructure and make sure that every home from inner cities to rural America has broadband. We will save the Post Office and once and for all defeat COVID-19, this evil disease.

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  • What a disgusting disgrace to American politics.  Hes been there way too long.  

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