BREAKING: Circuit Courts have been Reassigned
— Miss Michigan (@correctthemedia) November 20, 2020
Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42. Look who is in charge of MI, WI, PA, and GA:
MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
WI - Amy Coney Barrett
PA - Samuel A. Alito
GA - Clarence Thomas
Everybody has there price. Hopefully the highest court in the land can't be bought.
Yeah, can we bypass Roberts since he is a turncoat
Alito and Thomas have proven themselves over and over. They are reliable. Kavanaugh and Barrett owe Trump big time. Things are looking very good at the Supreme Court. I like it.
I like it! Can Roberts be made to sit in the corner so he doesn't screw anything up?
Flynn can make him.