
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan asked the city council to investigate one of its own for potentially using their position in violation of law or endangering others. 

In a letter sent Tuesday to Council President M. Lorena Gonzalez, Durkan says the council can choose to ignore Sawant's actions, "but I think that undermines public confidence in our institutions." 

According to Durkan's letter, Sawant may have delegated decisions regarding hiring and termination of city employees to an outside political organization. Documents that were uncovered, according to the letter, show the National Executive Committee and the Seattle Executive Committee of the Socialist Alternative party had authority over staffing for Sawant's office. At least one person was allegedly fired as a result, according to the letter.

Sawant may have also used her official office and equipment to promote and raise money for a ballot initiative and failed to comply with public disclosure of all funds raised and spent, according to the letter. Though this is being investigated by the Ethics and Elections Commission, Durkan requests the council investigate as well.

Additionally, Durkan alleges that Sawant used her official position to give hundreds of people access to City Hall when it was closed to the public due to the coronavirus pandemic, putting "the safety of individuals and city workers at risk."

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  • This is what happens when you permit radical Marxist Politicians to hold office... they have no ethics, referring her case to the ethics committee is a waste of time.

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