Seattle Mayor Durkan's 'Summer of Love' - RicochetSeattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has asked a King County judge to reconsider her ruling to allow a recall petition to proceed against the mayor, arguing the use of tear gas to disperse protesters was a decision made by police Chief Carmen Best, not the mayor, and that it was a reasonable one.

King County Superior Court Judge Mary E. Roberts last week dismissed six claims against Durkan as insufficient for a recall, but allowed a seventh to go forward. That claim alleged Durkan failed to implement new policing policies after tear gas and other chemical agents were used on protesters.

The ruling was an initial victory for Durkan’s opponents in what would be a long process to recall the mayor. Roberts’ role is to assume the charges, as filed against Durkan, are true, and to determine whether they’re both specific and serious enough to allow the petition to proceed. Next, opponents would have to collect more than 50,000 signatures from Seattle voters - one-quarter of the votes filed in the last mayoral election - before a special recall election could be held.

A recall election would be a simple up or down vote on Durkan, with no opponent on the ballot. If the recall succeeded, the city council president, currently M. Lorena González, would become mayor.

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  • Who wants this left wing lunatic anyway?    No one in America should ever want such a marxist maniac running the city and Gov Inslee has disappeared where is that chicken sh** of a man?  

  • She looks ready to spit on the next person to come into her presence. 

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