
  • there are no brave man out there.

  • Go to and listen to 51 years of 81-year old John MacArthur speaking Biblical truth...for free. Watch or download any sermon for free. John MacArthur would NOT put up with that silliness for one second and neither should you.

  • We desperately need a Black-Robed Regiment, and all I see are pale pink mask mouths. With or without a mask they say nothing while building 7 collapes.

  • Absolutely, what America needs.  This sort of dialect needs to become the common voice of the Church... It is the lack of challenging false doctrine and open sin in our homes, in our churches, and in the public square that has lead us to where we are today... on the precipice of destruction.  One does not dance with the Devil and then expect to reap the blessings of the Church and the righteous life.

    We can not serve two masters... mammon (the things of the world) and Christ (God) we will hold to one and hate the other... we will serve one and despise the other.

  • Who will have the guts to stand with him?

    • The real question is would this toothless priest have the courage to stand with John Macarthur. Since Catholics aren't Christians, this priest would have to read the Bible, repent of his life of sin and following the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and beg the Lord to save him.

    • Ur an idiot.

    • Not the American Bishops for sure!  If they wanted to, they would have excommunicated both Biden and Pelosi and every other Catholic who voted for abortions, same sex marriages and all this idiotic nine million sexes!  Maybe it is time for a letter writing campaign to the Bishops!!!

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