6129534077?profile=RESIZE_584xThe NCAA's Southeastern Conference told the state of Mississippi on Thursday that if it does not change its flag, the state could be precluded from hosting championship events.

Mississippi is the only state that still showcases the Confederate symbol of a blue cross with 13 stars on its flag.

According to NBC News, the University of Mississippi, known as "Ole Miss," and Mississippi State University supported the SEC's decision. The two schools stopped flying the flag in 2016.

In a joint statement, Ole Miss Chancellor Glenn Boyce and athletic director Keith Carter said: "Mississippi needs a flag that represents the qualities about our state that unite us, not those that still divide us. We support the SEC's position for changing the Mississippi State flag to an image that is more welcoming and inclusive for all people."

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  • leave the flag alone.

  • All these politicians and groups calling for the destruction of Confederacy statues, flags, street names, building names, etc., take a breather, these guys were all Democrats. If all the BLM demonstrators were to listen to the Democratic leadership they would have to erase their political family tree. Your big problem is you have put your eggs in the Democrat basket, but all you have to show for it is broken eggs. It has been and can be totally documented that it was the Republican party who were the deciding factors in given black people the rights to vote, go to any school, eat in any restraint, marry whomever they please no matter what color, hold any job, in otherwords have the American dream just like every one else. If you get hastled by the police, before something happens stop and look who is running that department, town, city, or state, and who represents you in DC....

  • AGREED!! SEC,,,,,,,,,,,, !!SOD OFF!!

  • What should happen is for Mississippi to withdraw from the SEC and get the other Southern States to follow... form their own athletic union... with like-minded institutions.

    • Totally agree with you!! The Rebel flag is a symbol of the Southern way of life!! Slow, easy going, laid back, sitting on the porch relaxing drinking tea!  The SOUTH CAN'T BE WIPED AWAY!!

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