Whenever insanity becomes the driving force in government... it is time to consider seceding from such a government. The several States of the Union are not permanently joined at the hip... secession is not prohibited by the Constitution. 

The US Constitution is a contract between the consenting SOVERIGN States of the Union, known as the United States of America...  As such, when serious disagreements arise and mutual consent is unable to settle such disagreements, the contract may be dissolved by similar agreement or consent... and if need be... by force of the soverign will of the participating States or State. 

America and its several States being the product of the People's consent have arrived at an impasse in governance... such that the continued consent to be governed has been broached by the criminal conduct of major parties to the contract.  The resulting rift between the States and the Public is now critical.  There exist FUNDAMENTAL disagreements in the Constitution and its application in law. So great are the differences that no peaceful resolution is possible. As one party resorted to Electoral Fraud, usurping the consent of the people to be governed.  This breach of the law will not be tolerated, by several of the member States, and after seeking recourse in the courts the offended party finds them corrupt and unable to properly address the facts and the law. Hence, there is a call to secede echoing loudly in the halls of several State Legislatures.

It is time for the offended and oppressed States to form a 'Secession Caucus' in both houses of the Congress of the United States... to formally examine their secession from the Union and the formation of new governments based on the principals and needs of their citizens. It is time for the States to separate themselves from the criminal cabal operating as the federal government of the United States.  It is with great trepidation such an undertaking is needed, but we must all request our State Legislatures to formally announce their exit from the Union... by peaceful and lawful, negotiated means, if possible, and by their soverign will if not.

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  • I totally agree!

  • "Whenever insanity becomes the  driving force in government... it is time to consider seceding from such a government. The several States of the Union are not permanently joined at the hip... secession is not prohibited by the Constitution."

    I must stand with Lincoln here.

    • If the choice was a Marxist government and the enslavement of our heritage, or secession what would you choose?  If the choice was Marxist Government or Civil War, what would you choose? If the Choice was between Civil War or Secession, which would you choose?  Choose wisely, as millions of lives may depend on that Choice.

    • @I agree Free America is well worth it!

    • Lincoln said, 'No government proper, in its organic law has ever had a provision to terminate itself'.

      His object was to preserve the Union.  So, How are you 'standing' with Lincoln?

    • The portion of the Union that adheres to the Constitution and what it embodies, justifies the retention and rectification of the portion that does not.

      That's how.

      United we stand, divided we fall.  (it actually has perceptive meaning)

      As always, outside interests are looking us over, with great big hungry eyes.

      That is why President Washington warned against foreign entanglements.

      Why would the easier route to chaos and catastrophy be preferred?

    • It is the outside interests in the world who have colluded with Marxist Democrats...  to destroy the Union, thru the 'fundamental transformation' of the whole. In effect, the Marxist want to 'secede' from our Constitution to create a new order, a new world socialist order.  The patriot understands that adhering to a Marxist system of government is the antithesis of Constitutional Government and must not be supported.   Capitulation to the Marxist doesn't support our Constitution or the Republic, it doesn't UNITE the States or the People. It will set loose a purge and Politocide of the Constitutionalists in our Republic.

      Seceding to reform as a revived Constitutional Republic... is not abandoning the Constitution it is rescuing it from the Marxist insurgency.  Think about that for a while.  Secession can be done without force of arms if properly negotiated. If not, the worst scenario would pit the Patriot against the Marxist in a Civil War, which is better than being isolated and led off as individuals to die in the gulags.  Liberty is not free and payment is now due if we are to continue as a Free Constitutional Republic.

    • Michael.

      I do apologize. I misunderstood your previous post that ended with your sentence, " I must stand with Lincoln here."  I took the post to infer that you agreed with secession, not that you didn't. I am in total agreement with you.  Thank You.

    • When the government of a free people becomes adamantly opposed to those liberties that make a people free... the government has seceded from its purpose and the people are justified in forming new government and guards as they deem appropriate to secure their liberty and posterity...

      When tyranny raises its ugly head a free people must not turn away or ignore it... they must act forthrightly to root it out and too eliminate the breach in their system that permitted it to interfere with their governance, taking the needed steps to ensure such breach never repeats itself.

    • Thanks. It probably is me misstepping. The Colonel has my interest.....

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