Second Boeing Whistleblower Dies at 44

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  • I'll bet Boeing has the Clintons on speed dial

  • These deaths are not coincidental, they are connected with Boeing in some manner.   The FBI and CIA (I know they suck) should be all over this, because it is very likely the work of a group that wants to destroy the company by sabotaging planes, or it is caused by upper management because it wants to hide the way they are currently building the planes but not doing quality control to save some money!  The latter idea doesn't make much sense because it also destroy the company!

    • New aircraft almost always start off with some mission capability problems... associated with the pilot and maintenance crew learning how to use and maintain the aircraft properly.  However, some new technologies need to be redesigned or dropped, when it becomes obvious they fail under combat or extended periods of use.

      Boening needs to perform the necessary modifications and repairs to bring the F-35 up to the 85% mission availability standard in their contract.  Some of the problems may be the result of Air Force changes to the F-35's capabilities while under development... Slight changes in a new system can result in the need for major rebuilds in other associated systems... resulting in CASCADING maintenance problems.  Freeze any planned changes or upgrades in the F-35 until the aircraft meets 85% mission readiness.

    • P/S

      In the worst-case scenario... cancel any further F-35 orders and shift the monies freed up to the F-22... it has a proven maintenance and mission profile that meets the 85% availability standard.  It is also arguably a better aircraft.  Boeing is taking advantage of the taxpayer... they have become too big for the nation's good.

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