
  • Too late, damage already one believes anything they say!

  • So long as the demonrats are in charge the next one will be just as bad or worse

  • NOW that she has been disposed of, let's get on to issues that are more critical, specifically those that return power bto the prople. Targeting a crucial one----How many people here knew that the "lEgAl PrOfEsSiOn somehow made THECITIZEN'S GRAND JURY ILLEGAL !!!!!---While we bowled, bingoed andΒ "boob Tubed" our time away. Just consider how many UNINFORMED folks there are across America. We of COMMAND CENTER represent a tiny fraction of Americans who are needed to prevent COMMUNISM from taking over AMERICA. We need more "letter writers " to team up with our few Very Knowledgeable members and disseminate possible solutions and cautionary alerts before election time. HELLO JEA 9; i got your back.

    • Even Institute on the Constitution doesn't do enough about teaching Citizen's Common Law Grand Juries. They teach interposition and nullification but do not being in NLA as a source.Β  No vids or training on them. Nothing.Β 

    • JEANINE: THIS "INSTITUTE" Needs to Acknowledge the MESS we are now in and upgrade their material and BLAST E-MAIL IT ACROSS AMERICA.Β Β  ALSO---"WE THE PEOPLE" SHALL Announce What is Illegal......Because IT'S OUR TIME BY GOD.

    • This is who they are. I have taken the class multiple times. They do need to add this source.Β

      Institute on the Constitution
      Make the Constitution Matter Again. Institute on the Constitution is on a mission to restore the Constitutional Republic through grassroots education…
  • Hard to believe she was in Secret Service yet the Director. Lord Help Us.

  • Bout fricking time.Β 


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