
  • It turns out these perps. avoided capture.  They fired as they passed by in a car.

    • And no one was on the ball enough to go after them???????????????

    • Can anyone tell if what they have bought is near this base? 

      The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation. They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases: Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) in Killeen, Texas; Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill air force base in Tampa, Florida. ..

      Enemy within? China is buying land around American military bases
      China's proximity to military bases within the US, including a nuclear missile base in Wyoming, raises national security concerns. The US government…
    • They own land close to military bases all over the country? 

      The communist Chinese were allowed to purchase land in America close to military bases, next door or ten miles away makes no difference! 
      When did they make these purchases, who was in office during these transactions? Who were the peop,e who sold to them? Who negotiated the deals?

      I WANT TO KNOW! 

    • ???---BOARDS of REALTORS---WHAT Governs them? - State or Federal?  And uncovering the money trail from these "sales"  would help unravel this grand mystery. Then we can determine what tentative approaches to start with. -----BUT SOMETHING SURE IS ROTTEN SOMEWHERE.

    • So do I.  do not know. Someone did. 

    • All I know is each Gov. should have gotten wind of it and stopped it. One way or the other. 

    • BUSINE$$ -COMMERCE is predicated on earning$ so the participants in a tran$action are readilly overlooked.  It is now incumbent upon "WE THE PEOPLE" to straighten this and Other MESSES out before the COMMIES take over.

    • Chinese allowed to buy property. For how long?  With whose "Blessing"?   Can AMERICA WAKE UP ?

    • I'm asking the same questions! Who allowed this? 
      The Chinese are setting up bases close to our bases to prepare for an attack and be successful. They are sending tens of thousands of their young men, smuggled in by the cartels......does that not raise an eyebrow???????? Why are foreigners allowed to purchase land in America???????????

      WE ARE TURNING A BLIND EYE, WHY, WHO IS MAPGETTING FILTHY RICH ON THIS? They should all be tried for treason!!

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