
  • If they are employees, the company can demand they wear uniforms.......whatever the company desires them to wear!

  • Goodbye Kroger. I'll never use them again. Two can play your game and idiot comapnies are learning that already.

  • No nation have ever survived after accepting the sodomite lifestyle. We are doomed as a nation.

  • Don't forget freedom of speech this includes anything written or labeled 

  • What a woke creep, he claims the heart feeds the body then use a traditional Valentine heart.

    • Yes! I can't believe they couldn't come up with some symbol or logo of their own. He's a liar like the rest of them.

  • What is this guy selling???  Kroger couldn't come up with their own logo or symbol?? Give me a break!  Sen. Cotton is right on, and he usually is. 

    • The Christian right needs to flood markets with products with God's Rainbow.


      Remember Noah? Yah, him. He survived judgement...

  • I don't have to shop at Kroger and I will not shop at any company that is as "woke" as they are. I suggest we all vote with our feet and our pocketbooks and avoid this place like the plague! Go Woke and Go Broke!

    • Exactly.

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