
  • She is so STUPID and UNHINGED

  • Repeat the "lie" as many times as it takes until the lie appears as "truth"!

  • This person is absolutely STUPID, uninformed, radical, socialists, commie pinko, and those who put this idoit in office should lose their right to vote. 

  • Lying Pocahontas Warren just did an excellent job describing Biden.  She only filled in the blanks with Trump's name.  

  • The Progressive Socialist Democratic MEDIA/Politicians still insist that Trump is "Lying about the Election Frauds." However, the Majority of Sovereign American Citizens disagree with them and believe President Trump to be Correct. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Leftist Marxist Traitors always project who they are on their enemies.  The Dems are sellouts to the highest bidder and they are betting their power grab will save them.  They are in the wrong country.

  • Really - America is run by a fool because of a stolen election and RINOs who did nothing to stop it.

  • Dictators? ...I guess it "takes one to know one"

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