
  • An ever-building storm approaches... Out of the East, the clouds of war threaten peace ... in the West, our allies reel at the collapsing Dollar and prepare for even greater economic hardship.   China builds an army of invincible numbers... its generals brag about their ability to take on nuclear war, reaching out for dominance in its land, air, and sea power.  

    America's dominance as a world power is fading fast and with it the ability to negotiate peace, and the engines of war rise unchecked ... The world titters between oblivion and despotic rule... God is bringing man to a point of no return... it's either BELIEVE and ACT on His Word or watch the world burn under the hand of tyranny.  Our hope must not be in the things of this world, its institutions, or men as they have more than proven to be useless as agents of reform and peace.

    Warn the wicked that they may turn from their sin and embrace Christ while there is yet time... warn those who oppose themselves of the righteous God whose arm is more than able to forgive and extend mercy to his enemies... Prepare the way for the return of the SON of God...  For He surely comes.

    Behold, he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal, for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done, and committed against him.  (Jude  1: 13-15)

  • Outrage? What does Washington know about outrage? Why isn't Washington outraged? Why isn't at least the right in DC outraged? Why do they ignore our outrage?

    • Why?  The super arrogant and wealthy of his world believe they are above the law and any reproach for their actions... They see themselves as the NOBELS of a new era... a new age aristocracy... to be revered by the people... the subjects of their kingdom.  Their 'arrogance' does not permit them to see their conduct as outrageous.

  • The Scottish nobles who abandoned their heritage and commoners on the fields of Flakirk have nothing on the current Lods of the GOP and their insolent treatment of their base as SUBJECTS to be placated and used for their political gain

  • Admin Dee is correct, "the GOP leadership...should already be outraged about ANY indictment of President Trump." That's right. President Trump is as honest and as transparent as they come. That's why any indictment of Trump is fake and part of a witch hunt. It's not that he is above the law. It's just that he is innocent of any crime, ever. Period. 

  • We need to start getting rid of the "hangers on"; McConnell HAS TO GO, along with McDaniel.   From my state of SC, we need to get rid of Graham and Mace.  Actually, we need to replace about 90% of the entire Congress!

  • I'm surprised that graham can even stand up, unaided... due to his lack of a backbone.  It's long past the time that he should have retired, to call him "worthless" is giving him way too much credit.

  • We're already outraged lil' sister, throw another trillion on the fire.

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