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  • Only if you are a Marxist Socialist commie pig. 

  • Grassley's concept of a better economy is not a true conservative view... His idea of what 'America First' means is not what wet necessarily understand. He is a Globalist and long-time New World Order advocate. 

    As for the SCOTUS, it remains to be seen if the appointments were an improvement... So far, it is a big fat NO, they are not. The election fraud took place under their judicial watch. Grassley knows these bums betrayed us, and he is now trying to take credit for a court that ran from the ELECTION FRAUD... The biggest legal question before the Nation EVER in its history.  Some court?

    As for the other issues, he is either drunk or delusional.

           1) The border has NEVER BEEN SECURE in the last 5 Decades... If hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens invading the country every year reflect a secure border someone is hallucinating or is an open border advocate, attempting to pull the proverbial wool over our eyes.  We have not had a secure border since ISENHOWER was President.

          2)  How can we have the best economy ever with a deficit of 30 Trillion... Instead, it is the best economy money can buy.  Don't be stupid. Trillions were distributed, as pandemic relief, propping up our failing economy. Welfare fueled our great economy, which is akin to a drug addict's high being the best ever. Pandemic relief (welfare) floated the best economy ever, on hot air, and the balloon has busted and is coming in for a very hard landing.

    Wake up...try thinking instead of listening to Grassley and politicians wanting to sell the latest fantasy... They want to deceive you into voting for them. Grassley was present for all the budget-busting, economic hijacking by the government over the past 50yrs. He is the problem, not the solution. Don't vote for anyone this government fixture claims is a conservative, check his recommendations out thoroughly, as he certainly wasn't a conservative, not as we think of conservatism.

    As for the Courts.. again, the SCOTUS is not what we expected... more betrayal is not what we anticipated.  The new justices of the SCOTUS have given us real cause for concern... not the FIRM conservative views we anticipated. The 300 plus lower-court justices seem to be doing the same... betrayal is a given today.

    • There are a group of state legislators who meet regularly to discuss an Article V Convention to change the Constitution. That would be an interesting string to start.  I have a suggestion::

      Proposed Amendment to The U.S. Constitution


      1. Upon ratification of this amendment, he Administrative Procedures Act (APA) 5 USC §551 et seq. (1946) shall be advisory, A rule drafted under the authority of the ACT shall not be enforceable unless it is also passed, in a regular session of Congress, as a Public Law pursuant to Congress’ section 8 authority.
      2. Rules heretofore promulgated under the APA shall continue in effect for a period of two (2) years after ratification of this amendment. Within that time Congress may enact legislation promulgating each of the Rules as a Public Law. Failure of Congress to enact the Rules within the two-year time period shall render any such Rule null and void and of no further force and effect.

      1. Article III Courts shall not perform a legislative function.
      2. Article III courts, including the United States Supreme Court, may only make law IN THE INTERSTICES where the legislature has not ruled, as at Common Law.
      3. When Congress enacts any legislation, that legislation may still be subject to Judicial Review: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, the Court’s jurisdiction shall be limited to declaring the offending law unconstitutional.; no Article III court shall go further and make new law, substituting the court’s judgement for that of the elected representatives in Congress.


    • P/S

      Judicial review should NEVER be used to invalidate the law beyond the case before it... or to make new law. Judicial Review should never extend further than the case before it.  THE FINDINGS OF THE COURT' or the 'VERDICT' of a jury are not law.  The doctrine of 'case law' is a case for fiat law.  Nowhere in the Constitution are the Courts allowed to do anything but adjudicate the CASE IN LAW before them. The Court is to apply the law to the case in review before it. The Court is not to make new law, by declaring the existing law unconstitutional in its broader application, to all future cases in law.

      Congress may take the Court's findings and act upon them to correct any unconstitutional rulings... IF... IF .... IF it agrees with the Court Justices.  The Judiciary was to be the weakest branch of government... they were not to sit in judgment of -laws passed by Congress and signed into law by the President... questioning such law and bringing it to the attention of Congress is their role... ruling on each case in law as applied to the facts and the law is their full power... no extension of their findings were ever to become law or used to void the laws of Congress.

    • Article 1, Section 7 and Section 8, clause 18, requires Congress to PASS ALL LAWS and the President to sign them into law.  Bureaucratic, regulatory authority, is FIAT LAW... it is an illegal overreach by Congress and government bureaucrats.  Regulatory Authority doesn't carry the Constitutional force of law.  Regulatory Authority should not be used to establish Criminal Conduct, PERIOD! 

      The Administrative Procedures Acct  (APA) is an unconstitutional act, as applied to making law... All laws or acts, or regulations, to have the force of law, must be FIRST be passed by Congress and THEN presented to the President for his signature before becoming law.

      See the above citations of the Constitution... that REQUIRE all laws to be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President... No 'ACT OF CONGRESS' can provide or assign such authority to government bureaucrats.  Bureaucratic regulation should not be afforded the status of law... making a violation of regulatory authority a breach in law... a criminal act... is unconstitutional.  It is time for the Court to examine this issue in light of the clear Constitutional prohibition for creating law outside the Constitutional Process.

    • P/S

      One can not spend their way into economic success.... 600/wk on top of normal unemployment...massive increases in food stamps, housing assistance, utilities, and other welfare payments together with the suspension of rents/evictions, and medical payments for everyone infected ... Even those not covered by insurance. The trillions paid for the phony 'free" vaccine all these things acted to artificially prop up our economy with huge sums of cash. On top of that, we had historical record low-interest rates, which aided in flooding the CREDIT MARKETS with cash for everything from cruises to home purchases...

      The hot air floating our economy has stopped and now the balloon is coming down hard. 

      We did not have the best economy ever ... we had the best economy MONEY COULD BUY!

    • Thing have changed in America, the lawyers and judges took over and manipulate our laws to fit their desires!

  • It has been a rapid downhill slide into a sewer pit from the moment President Trump left Office! A Heronimous Bosch Triptech Painting of Paradise Lost!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • A picture is worth a thousand words:


      ARTCANVAS The Garden of Earthly Delights 1515 Canvas Art Print image 1


    • No it's not a Democrat SoftBall tournament... You can tell the difference as they are all naked... definitely a Biden Crack Party.


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