Open Your Mind. - This is what Facebook censorship is all... | Facebook

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  • they are the freedom of speech of our day.

  • These would had brought victory to Hilter.

    • devildemocommiecrats want to make Hitler look like a minor player in the mass murder annals and will if they aren't stopped very soon.  Sadly, the gop establishment are in cahoots with them!!!!!!!!!!


  • Nothing is going to happen until the gop gets control of congress AND the oval office. And only then if We the People can weed out all of the deep state TRAITORS like mcconnell, graham, collins, murkowski, cornyn, romney, and sasse to name a few!!!!! 

    • Pure nonsense ... not worth talking about.

    • Mitchel, what is "pure nonsense" about my comment, can't you see the inane gop bleat but do nothing posturing?????


  • Censorship only applies to us, not to the commie leftwing nazis. 

    • Truth. Leftists can bash Trump 24/7, but when I reposted an article about Biden, it was immediately taken down 

    • I had similar problems with face crook and what I posted on it.

    • Mike, I got permanently banned from face crook 2 years ago for posting my conservative thoughts.


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