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  • Let's not forget to add GENOCIDE to any of his other charges!

  • Not the level of venom that that rat deserves. I like nouns that speak clearly and I like verbs that are appropriate for the millions of people who were injured or DEAD and/or lost educational excellence. 

    Nouns:  (plus a few adjectives:  Medical Fascism.  Government Violation of Human Rights.  Hospital Coercion.  Media Propaganda.  Torture.  Fraud.  Murder.  Isolation aka military style.
    Destruction of education.  Destruction of Small Business.  Onset of symptoms that keep on giving. Then taking. 
    Bribery.  Fraud. Complicence in fraud, murder, bankruptcy, Setting a new standard of government coersion and control. It turned our government into a CABAL. And NO BETTER THAN THE CCP.

    Cabal Definition & Meaning

    Merriam-Webster › dictionary › cabal
" data-csiid="JcOiZ6jpCLnJ0PEPioKLsQ8_7" data-atf="4" />
    1. The contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot 
    Merriam-Webster: America's Most Trusted Dictionary
    Find definitions for over 300,000 words from the most authoritative English dictionary. Continuously updated with new words and meanings.
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