
Speaking on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” aired on Sunday, Sen Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said he is worried about all of the reporting the media gives to “the three that speak out all the time” and “about the perception that people have that the Democratic Party has gone completely off the rails.”

“I’m worried about you all reporting, giving all the ink and all the press to the three that speak out all the time,” stated Sen. Manchin. “The House freshmen. And what, there’s maybe seven of them? And when you look at the people who basically changed the House of Democrats, are all new Democrats, or blue dog, moderate? They get no press. They get nothing.”

Manchin was asked by Bob Cusack, Editor-in-Chief of “The Hill” “Are you worried about the direction of your party? Many say the Democratic Party has moved left.”

“I’m worried about you all reporting, giving all the ink and all the press to the three that speak out all the time—” stated Sen. Manchin.

“Three House freshmen,” Cusack said.

“The House freshmen. And what, there’s maybe seven of them? And when you look at the people who basically changed the House of Democrats, are all new Democrats, or blue dog, moderate? They get no press. They get nothing. They’re centrist. They come from areas that basically they have to give and take. It’s a process that they have to work through.

“The Josh Gottheimer’s [(D-N.J.)] of the House are getting eviscerated. It’s awful what they’re trying to do to them.”

Sen. Manchin continued, “I worry about the perception that people have that the Democratic Party has gone completely off the rails.”

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  • Gee what can make him think that?

  • You would be right Joe. They have gone off the rails so badly that gun sales are surging because if you're canidate wins this election it's pretty much a free for all. I don't mind defending my little piece of earth although, many are old and vunerable. But we will meet any challenges thrust upon us. I wouldn't mess with the American Spirit. I'll do my part to vote and pray for our country.

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