
  • Time to leave fools to their own sinking ships...

  • This is their stupidity and arrogance showing. They think they are better and smarter than we are, look down on us....but if Putin came knocking they would all be looking west to see if we are coming to their rescue. They forgot the trouble they were in during WWII, especially Norway, they had their princess come begging Roosevelt, perhaps even having an affair with him.
    If we leave NATO, NATO will not survive, the countries are not financially committed or able,  and they don't want to have to gear up their military to the level it would take to make up for our absence. I know Eastern Europe understands this, and I think Western Europe has a clue, and if it came down to you come to your senses or else you are on your own, europe would shape up. Zelenskyy doesn't have many options, and certainly doesn't have better options than us! We will see if he's like Hitler, willing to sacrifice his people if they cannot win! 

  • Could very well come to that. First, however, we need to withdraw from the UN and kick them out of our country!

  • NATO is as good as dead anyway. It was a waste of money and time for the US. Thank you, President Donald J. Trump! 

  • PULLING OUT OF N.A.T.O. would be perhaps a good step: Then denying them support from our military And letting Europe and Russia settle this mess themselves .  OUR NATION REQUIRES MUCH ' MEDICAL TREATMENT" TO GET US BACK AND KEEP US ON COURSE.  SCREW NORWAY.

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