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  • Like adults don't already know the traitor in the Whitehouse doesn't lie constantly and has his whole life. The bigger problem is tht those who supposedly represent us allows it to go on and on and on. THEY are just as traitorous as Biden and commie crew.



    • ....and some people think he is good presidential material! 

    • ILONA:  They denigrate the meaning of THINK.

    • Unfortunately for at least a generation Americans haven't been thought to think.
      Critical thinking is gone in the general public, they parrot leftist stupidity, focused only on themselves, their little lives are all their interest. This is what the left does to the minds of youth! 

      I recall after I arrived in the USA and went to school my history teacher asked me a question, he wanted my opinion on whatever the conversation was. 
      I sat there shocked from the realization that I had no opinion, I never thought to form an opinion, I was always told how to think about things of importance. 
      That was the day I began thinking about everything, asking myself what I actually think, analyzing, and forming opinions. Americans have to be shocked back to reality, to see the important things, to see outside of themselves.

    • One term teaching at college level, I had seven students who could not read a ruler. One was an international student, so that was forgiveable. The others were Americans. 
      I had one student trying as hard as he could to plagiarize a one-point perspective project and couldn't figure out how. 

      On the opposite end, I had two students win regional Hermes design awards, the highest design awards a designer can get.  Two extremes.

      Sen Scott: Biden Lies to the American People - He has the Authority to Secure the Border
      I am sick of seeing Biden lie to the American people. He has this authority but will never secure the border because he has ZERO interest in doing so…
    • How is the lack of ability to read a ruler forgiveble at college level? International or American, metric or otherwise shouldn't one be able to do that by fifth grade? This is failure of education, I'm talking about the indoctrination of parroting rather than encouraging  to think independently, to believe what is being fed without question, taking the natural curiosity out of the equation and replacing it with believing all available information is fact, not to even bother to question it becuse questioning anything from authority is frowned upon. Purposely raising followers.....not leaders. 

    • Not only that, I had one (of the great ones) tell me that instead of teaching script writing, the class had needed to sign something. So the teacher wrote out each student's name, and gave each student their hand-written name in script, so they could each trace their name. How about that?!!  Stupid and beyond stupid. And lazy.

    • Certainly, something was not taught. I think the addiction to technology has played a huge part in this, but clearly, this was stupid teachers not teaching. It became a disaster in a college level design class. A two inch margin became too much to ask and demand. I had to control myself on that one. And there were more stupid things. I remember thinking many times, that they could not grasp what I did on my own as soon as I could read. Cutting out letters, designing report covers with colored paper letters cut out. It was unforgetable.

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