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  • & most Republicans will go right along with it... 

    Our greatest security threat is the 34 trillion and climbing debt. Maxing out the credit card is not sustainable....

    We need to reign in the spending, and then bring manufacturing and Medicine businesses back to the US.

    US should not be dependent on china for our medication and our military shouldn't be relying on china for our militray uniforms...etc.

    Our politicians suck... but we keep votong for them. (Not me, other i term of President Trump, my choices never win)  :)


    • We can not vote. They still win. That is the problem, or one of the problems with parties. Somebody wins whether we vote or not. It's also the problem with democracies, one vote wins.

  • Just more garbage from the demonrats

  • Is he saying the Senate wrote this? The Senate cannot write spending bills!!!!!

  • Where's Johnson? MIA

  • As far as I'm concerned....on thing at a time! 

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