
Republicans on the Senate Finance and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee unveiled a report Friday documenting abuses by the FBI and the General Services Administration (GSA) undermining President Donald Trump’s transition team.

The majority staff report, released by committees chaired by Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa, shows that the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office secretly sought private records between Trump’s transition team and the GSA that were supposed to be discarded following the completion of the White House transition.

“Every major presidential candidate over the past five decades — both winners and losers in the general election — has made use of government assistance to support his or her transition team under the assumption that government employees were cooperating with the team in good faith,” Senate investigators wrote. “That presumption of good faith was called into question in 2016.”

The GSA had previously agreed with incoming Republicans that records from the Trump transition team, Trump for America, were private and would not be kept following the transition. The majority report reveals, however, that the GSA, at the FBI’s request, retained documents in violation of the agreement.

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