
  • Talk is effortless. Action requires decision.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Do it now stop thinking about it.

  • Tough talk out of McConnell? You all forget... History has proven Mitch McConnell is the only guy that can take a guaranteed Republican Victory and Loose! 

  • Empty threats from all these worthless congress jerks

  • Gen. Austin now Secretary of Defense is a key element of the Administration now and then... He needs to be subpoenaed.   Sen Mcconnell's pandering comments appear to give cover to Sec. Austin's refusal to testify in the January 6th hearings.  Just more RINO collusion with a history of anti-Trump and MAGA rhetoric... in the guise of civility and bipartisan compromise.

    • You are so correct, Col. Nelson.  If any of the allegations we have heard are true, should these military generals at the very least be Court Martialed?


  • Don't  just say it DO IT .

  • Well here we go again. We will beat the bushes and at the end of the day nothing will get  done. They are are all on the take . This is what I believe  and will continue  to believe  until someone goes to jail . Rattle sabers scream and yell and nothing gets done.

    • Nothing gets done because we don't force it.  Need to be in the streets and fight if we have to.  


    • Nothing gets done because we have no effective LEADERSHIP, organization, or FUNDING to operate a resistance... one doesn't mount a reform movement using weekend rallies and letter campaigns...  It takes deep pockets like Soro's to organize, plan and fund an effective resistance.  So far, NO ONE ON THE RIGHT side of the bench has stepped forward to commit to such a venture.

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