
  • Patroits Please CALL CONGRESS and Tell them what YOU WANT DONE-!!! 

  • Thanks Josh Hawley, You Have Stood By Pres. TRUMP, You Sir are a "TRUE PATROIT"-!!! TIME HAS COME FOR THE PEOPLE TO WEED ALL RINO'S OUT OF CONGRESS (just watch how the Republicans have VOTED the last 2 months)

  • Bless that man and those who fight the rightous battle to take down the illegitimate fraudulent hucksters that want to turn us into a Venezuela. I will pray for them.

  • At least one senator knows to be totally loyal to Trump just like any true American patriot is.

  • If these Cogressmen and women are truly Americans, every single one of them should stand and object to the seating of these electors.  But we already have proof that the majority of the Democrats are Socialists, Marxists, or Communists and to that end despise our great nation and all it stands for.  We would be better served to rid our selves the entire liberal and RINO side of Congress and start from scratch.

  • very good! Everyone needs to call their congressman/senators! They are not there cause  the holiday

    but you can leave a message.  I hv called my congressman.


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