
  • Justice Thomas is a wonderful man

  • The radical left goes after all patriots. Clarence Thomas and Virginia Thomas a great targets. We all know they are not doing anything wrong. They are just great patriots, plain and simple.

  • The left goes after Justice Thomas because he is the one they are afraid of. The biography of Clarence Thomas, titled, "The Lost Constitution of Clarence Thomas," by Myron Magnet, who not only is a friend but who also has read all or most of his Opinions. It is worth reading. A little bit about Thomas' background—He was raised by his very conservative Grandfather, who kept young Clarence completely out of the culture. Every day after school was filled with chores. Weekends were working on the farm. No free time. Then he went to college and became indoctrinated and victimized. He went home and Grandpa would have none of it.

    Grandpa threw him out. Clarence had to rediscover his roots, which he did. The hard way. And it made him who he is.

    Decades later, in his nomination process, he went through the fiery furnace in that 3 day fiasco of lies, false accusation and slander. He stayed strong. He is our finest, imho.  really hope one day he will be Chief Justice Clarence Thomas. And now he is targeted again by these leftists, he and his wife. This is just sick and it is getting to be a familiar story.

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