From @FordFischer - senator Rand Paul assaulted by protestors.
— MeCadGuy (@mecadguy) August 28, 2020
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From @FordFischer - senator Rand Paul assaulted by protestors.
— MeCadGuy (@mecadguy) August 28, 2020
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it's getting started.
this is just the beginning it's going to get worse as the day goes by because we have been living in lawlessness for the past 8 years under Obama and that is the result of it if Trump doesn't put Obama on trial things like these will happened.
Peaceful protesters?
I only go to Washington District of Columbia also known as the seat of government to the Federal Bureau of Investigation because that because that is where you give the Republic an enema and since I am an old soldier I prefer to refer to it as Sodom on the Potomac and I only go there twice a year. The first is for Police Week and this year it will really suck because because I will have to one of my friends condolances on the death of her husband and the other is the yearly meeting of the Association of the United States Army Annaul Meeting or as I love to refer to as the United States Army Toy show for big boys who have never really grown up!!
This shit has got to stop! You, and I, could be next. TRUMP 2020
Stand your ground.
To maintain that our current national condition is due, in part or in whole, to President Trump's lack of enforcing the law is not only untrue, but also enables the condition to worsen by providing a cover for its continuation.
America is under assault. We are at war. It is a war we cannot win if we claim the enemy is Trump. The assault is a reaction to what Trump has done, NOT what he hasn't. Trump has exposed the so called swamp. Put spotlights on it. It is composed of both domestic and foreign creatures aligned in one common goal. Eliminate Trump by any means. Get him gone.
Trump is a good president. He put America first. For that he is vilified, maligned, defamed, and deserving of criminal investigation, Impeachment, and even worse. And some on this forum are in league with it, apparently, by constantly harping on how he isn't properly enforcing the law, as if he has the sole constitutional power to do so. He doesn't. And he is aware of it.
That said, his critcs may very well get their wish. We could end up with Harris as president, and all of our rights will disappear, along with the entire country. WE ARE UNDER ASSAULT. Keep that in mind. And this is not a war game.
How long does this have to go on?
The rioting will continue as long as there are demoncratic mayors and governors in office!! Vote all demoncrats out of office!!