
  • Be assured that when China, Russia, and Iran attack us the political ruling class and their bureaucratic lemmings will have safe places to go while We the People are left to fend for ourselves, and without guns to defend ourselves if they get their way!!!!!  I WILL NOT COMPLY with any of the left's tyrannical bullshiite!!!!!!!!!!


    Probably has something to do with this.............................

    There are millions waiting............I don't know how much you all know so before I get thrown into a Conspiracy Box I'll just see how the responds go if any.…
  • Sure wish out military would turn on the govt  and stand with the people!!!

  • Probably Martial Law especially with all the surveilense flights going on.

  • Hummm, What are these sorry dems dreaming up now. Heads up folks I smell  something  Rotten in the wind.. 

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