
  • Sounds good to me. I've always felt social media is a problem

  • It is truly disgusting that it appears that the government has to step in because the parents aren't mature enough to control their children!!!  Hey parents, if you don't want to raise your kids, don't have them!

    • I agree that parents should control their children and it is not always a matter of parental maturity. Let's face it, many, perhaps even most, parents don't have the specific knowledge of computers and apps to control the content of their kids computers. In most cases today, the kids knowledge of computer and software far exceeds that of their parents. That kids can access things their parents have no knowledge of is a case of "the cows being out of the barn" already. IMHO there is no easy single answer but a good start is bringing up our kids with strong Christian values so that they have some kind of moral compass as to what content is appropriate for them to be looking at and the moral discipline to make good choices. As far as outside control of content, perhaps some kind of unique identifier that can only be associated with a single individual could be used to control age appropriate content.  If we leave it solely to the parents, were shafted because they lack the technical skills to exert control over their kids electronics i.e., cellphones, tablets, and computers.


  • Unless tech companies make their platforms safe for kids and adults as well, it will always be exploited. 
    make it so kids cannot get around it!

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