Senators Introduce Reforms to the Electoral Count Act of 1887
And don't forget, it's a "bipartisan" group , to make it all a less bitter pill. Only four members here vote above 50% with support of the Constitution. None of the 18 members have a vote record above 64% as of now. The combined Voting record for all 18 members listed is 34%, in favor of the Republic, and that's life-time . Also, a law, and our Constitution, is worthless if not followed. A Republic is all about the rule of Law. So why, if this is so important, did it take nearly 135 years to address ? Because of the last election, This change is about the Vice President being able to send the election back for a recount and canvas , and they want to remove this to cover the ability that Pence had, but refused to follow. __________________________________________________________________________
Mark R. Warner (D)VA. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 11%.91% against the Founders and The Constitutional Republic. _____________________________________________
Susan Collins (R)ME. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 38%.62% of her votes go Against the Republic. _____________________________________________
Joe Manchin (D)WV. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 28%.72% against the Republic. _____________________________________________
Amy Klobuchar (D)MN. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 10%.90% of her votes against the Republic.
Roy Blunt (R)MO . A 53% supporter of the Republic.
Rob Portman (R)OH. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 49%. Support to the Constitution is less than half (51%).
Kyrsten Sinema(D)AZ. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 16%. She supports her oath to the Republic with a -84% record.
Mitt Romney(R)UT. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 41%. 59% votes go against the Republic.
Jeanne Shaheen(D)NH. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 8%. -92% against the Republic.
Lisa Murkowski (R)AK. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 46%. 54% of time against the Republic.
Thom Tillis (R)NC . Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 48%. 52% voting against the Republic.
Chris Murphy (D)CN. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 14%. Votes against the Republic 86% of the time.
Shelley Moore Capito (R)WV. Voting score in support of U.S. Constitution is 46%.
Ben Cardin (D)MD. A 24 year record of voting nets him a 16% positive record.
Todd Young (R)IN. The First in the positive , at +53% voting record.
Chris Coons (D)DE. A 10% voting support of our Republic. His Beard is still showing.
Ben Sasse (R)NE. at a 64% voting record, tops the group.
Lindsey Graham (R)SC. Voting at 57% with the Republic.