
  • You are a disgusting RINO to run to corrupt CNN to spew your garbage

  • NEVER TRUST any politician until they have proven themselves to you!!!  Johnson has shown us, he's just another rhino!  Which, in my opinion, is the wrost politician we can have in office!!!

  • How can our Congress allicake billions to secure the borders of foreign countries, more billions to build up their military, millions more to pay their elected representatives, and do nothing to stop the bleeding at our southern border?  Yes, Johnson needs to go.  He promised he would stop the illegal alien invasion and close the border.  He has done neither.  Time to send him on his way.

  • No question that Johnson is comprised and needs to go. The question is who can get a majority to replace him when there are so many rinos in the House? 

    • WHAT DIFFERENCE would it make... Johnson has given Biden and the Democrats EVERY THING THEY WANT AND MORE.. more. 

      Wake the 'H' UP the GOP/RNC is part of the Uniparty.   They are the reverse side of the Bid Government Coin... flip it and it will always land on more government, debt, and less liberty.

      Get rid of Johnson and anyone else who is willing to flip... too, sell out the People for a seat of power.

      ... t

    • Right again Col.

      The Republicans are not the Solution to our problems but the Democrats are certainly the Cause of all our problems. 

  • Just another RINO clown gumflapping is all I see. Johnson has sold the people out too many times with nothing but talk and no real action. I had hope for him but he lost it by rolling over.

  • We have heard this many times over the years and its very true" A HOUSE DIVIDED CAN NOT STAND" it is absolutely true but for some reason REPUBLICANS in the HOUSE and SENATE dont seem to get the message, When will a REPUBLICAN in the HOUSE or SENATE EMERGE THAT HAS SOME BACKBONE AND COURAGE?

    There is an ART to comprimise to get some of what both sides want it seems no one on the REPUBLICAN side understands that, MY personal feelings are that NOTHING GETS PASSED UNTIL THE SOUTHERN BORDER IS CLOSED AND I DO MEAN NOTHING, We see REPUBLICANS all over the networks complaining about JOE BIDENS BORDER POLICY YET WHEN IT COMES TIME TO BACK OLE JOE AND THE DEMOCRATS INTO A CORNER REPUBLICANS COIL BACK AND ACCEPT DEFEAT AND THEN GO ON THE NETWORKS TRY TO EXCUSE WHAT THEY DID. OUR elections in november are not about getting RID OF DEMOCRATS AND JOE BIDEN THERE ARE REPUBLICANS THAT NEED TO BE REMOVED AS WELL,We either need to stand up and fight back or we need to shut up and sit down.OUR NATION is in serious trouble and we need fighters in the halls of congress.

    • We need LEADERS who can find the RAMPARTS of our defense and then LEAD... the masses... to occupy the ramparts and defend liberty.  Running in circles like a chicken with its head cut off does no good... it is harmful.  We need effective, well-resourced, and capable leaders ... LEADERS willing to "mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

      Diogenes cries out for an honest man... an honorable leader. He spent his entire life looking for one honest man it appears looking for one in the GOP is a waste of time.

    • P/S

      Compromise of one's morals and ethics is the mother of evil... Once the door of compromise is opened there is no closing it.  Compromise is a slippery slope that ends up with those compromised in a ditch.

      I am reminded that: "There is a way that seemeth right unto man but the ends thereof are the ways of death." (Prov 16:25)

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