Claims that trump has no evidence on voter fraud yet, In detroit there was  782 more votes than voters - Jake Tapper: | Meme Generator

The 2020 presidential election is still undecided, as of this writing, and accusations about “fraud” are flying.

The frustrating thing about these claims is that there is usually no way to verify them — partly because the people accused of fraud are often the same people who would have to investigate it.

Democrats claimed “Russian interference” in 2016, though there turned out to be no actual “collusion,” and the actual effect of (small) Russian troll farms and alleged email hackers was difficult to determine.

The sad reality is that there are already legal ways for partisan actors to interfere with the election.

By far, the biggest factor in the 2020 presidential election seems to have been vote-by-mail, which is linked to six of the seven methods below.

Democrats pioneered the use of vote-by-mail to turn out their own voters in a judicial election in Wisconsin in April, then went on what that New York Times called a “a virtual nationwide tour, extolling the virtues” of the system. They planned lawsuits and pressure campaigns to force key battleground states to adopt the new voting system.

(A key figure in that effort, attorney Marc Elias, is also the operative who funded the “Russia dossier.”)

Republicans prefer to vote in person, especially because of the secret ballot, which vote-by-mail compromises.

In a time of “cancel culture” and rioting, it is easy to understand why Republicans prefer to show up in person, coronavirus or not.

Vote-by-mail also put President Donald Trump in an impossible position. He predicted that Democrats would use the system to do exactly what they did — to turn out their vote and put the outcome in doubt.

The danger, however, of criticizing vote-by-mail was that Trump risked suppressing his own turnout, particularly among seniors afraid of voting in person. So he had to encourage people to use it anyway.

And when he complained about the system, he was fact-checked by media and censored by social media companies.

Here are seven ways the vote is tilted.

1. Voter fraud. 

Actual voter fraud, though relatively small in scale, includes voting twice; dead people voting*; filing out ballots for other people; “losing” ballots before they are counted; and so on. An unnamed political insider explained to the New York Post before the election how he once did it, and trained others to do it, with mail-in ballots. “An election that is swayed by 500 votes, 1,000 votes — it can make a difference,” he told the Post. “It could be enough to flip states.”

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  • Demonrats have worked every single angle of voter fraud. They need to be stopped and they cannot steal the election from We The People. 

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