
  • We are living in times we have seen before when the commies took over Russia, China, and many other places, the same with he Nazis, they all terrorized the people. I am hoping we are smarter, we learned something from history and will not allow it to happen here!

  • So what?  We all know what they did and how despicable it was.... not to mention being treasonous criminal activity... The question is what is being done about it?  Nothing?  Rep. Jordan promises more of the same... more clowns meeting in a larger Circus Tent...  this one may have 4 or 5 rings and a whole new set of clowns... to entertain us while the CIrcus management fleeces us for every dime we have.   

    Investigations... Step right up ladies and gentlemen...see our exclusive Investigations of every size, color, and manner... of one's colon, liver, testicles, if one can find them, and more...  See the blind man claim he didn't know and the demented liberal scream Trump did it.  Watch as the raving radicals balance lies while standing on their heads, See the Republican RINOs eat their own and return for more... Hurry, hurry step right, and get your seat before the Ukrainian fat lady sings 'nothing like napalm on a winter's night'... See the Jackels and hyenas throw feces at the crowd...smell the pungent order of politics as usual as they play I can fool you again and again.  Not responsible for lost children, missing laptops, or Russian spies...  Buy your tickets in advance and get a front-row seat to Biden does Dallas or was that Chicago... you never know with him.

    More, investigations, as if we have not had enough investigations.   How about sequestering those agents of criminal conducts salaries... at lesat stop paying them to rob us blind.  Where are the constitutional acts that are available to remedy these insults to our liberty?   

    How about daily referendum calling for a convention of states to recall the government and establish term limits... or a referendum to defund problem agencies and whole departments.. do something effective.. I for one have had it with the three ring circus in DC... the clowns are running the government... and doing it with our money. 


    Slanted Justice.

    Investigation against Trump, with no evidence!

    Evidence against O’Biden, with no investigation!



  • I'm more for the classic, reliable and inexpesive...  fireing squad! 

    • We still have them in some states.......I'm all for it! Then send the bill for the bullet to the families!

  • Justice would be to jail all Demonrats involved and fine them their wealth for their criminal activites and use tht money to pay restitution to the victims.

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