Are you shocked to learn that USAID is a money laundering operation that cycles your tax dollars into the personal bank accounts of Deep State villains?
— Cynical Publius (@CynicalPublius) February 3, 2025
Well then hold onto your MAGA hats whilst I explain how government worker unions operate:
1. Taxpayers pay salary of…
Are you shocked to learn that USAID is a money laundering operation that cycles your tax dollars into the personal bank accounts of Deep State villains?
Well then hold onto your MAGA hats whilst I explain how government worker unions operate:
1. Taxpayers pay salary of government worker.
2. A percentage of that taxpayer-paid salary is skimmed off the top as "union dues" (SEIU, for example, is in the 1.7% range, depending on the local). In 2023, for SEIU, that netted about $290mm.
3. Those "union dues" are then used for, among other things, funding campaign contributions, lobbying for legislation and funding political action committees.
4. Guess what? All of that funding in #3 goes towards electing Democrats who will make sure that the government gets bigger and more powerful, that there will be more government union, dues-paying members, creating an endless do-loop where your taxes pay to grow government, all while union bosses and elected Democrats grow their personal wealth.
5. Wash, rinse, repeat.